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How to build your own interview

Walkthrough for creating a custom interview in Filtered

Oliver Weng avatar
Written by Oliver Weng
Updated over a week ago

Creating an interview in Filtered is quick and easy - Filtered does all of the hard work for you.

Start by clicking "New Interview" in your Dashboard.

Interview Templates

Filtered lets you choose from a huge number of interview templates which generate questions and settings perfect for the respective role.ย 

In this tutorial, we're going to explore "Build Your Own", but keep in mind that templates make the following process even faster.

(This tutorial does not cover duplicating your interviews listed in the Recently Created tab, but you can do that too.)

Provide Job Description

As an optional first step, it's recommended that you either upload or paste your job description into the form. Filtered will automatically detect the hard and soft skills needed to build an ideal interview.

Set title and skills

On this screen, you will be make edits to the interview title (which might be shown to candidates) and the skills required for the role (which is only used on the next screen).

Filtered comes pre-loaded with recommended job titles which will auto-populate the necessary skills.

If you need to add new skills, you can search for them using the form below the title.

Notice that skills are separated into categories based on what they actually are. Something like "AWS Cloud" is a multi-use toolset, while "SQL" is a language. This can help you better understand how your requirements are balanced.

Choose Questions

This is where you can really get your hands dirty if you want to. Filtered will recommend a set of questions based on the skills you specified in the previous screen.

You can drag + drop questions to re-arrange them. Some questions have additional settings that you can edit, like time limits.

If you need to add a new question, click "Add Question" to open the browser. There are lots of questions that you can choose from. Filtered will analyze your interview and recommend questions to add.

If you are using a paid account, you can even create your own questions. Questions you create will be saved in the "Custom question library" category.

Configure Settings

On the last screen, you can adjust the settings for this interview, like time limits, the score threshold, and whether to enable certain features.

Each item is paired with an explanation to help you choose the right settings.

Click "Create Interview", and your interview is now saved!

Invite Candidates

The next page will prompt you to share the interview with candidates. You can do this now or later from the dashboard.

The fastest way to get someone interviewing is to click "Invite Candidates' to send an email.

Another popular method is to click "Share this Interview" and share the public link on social media or on a website so candidates can invite themselves.

If you are short on candidates, click "Need Candidates". We can help.

And that's it! Your new interview will now appear on your dashboard.

Have additional questions about building your own interview? Email us at

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