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IDE questions
Oliver Weng avatar
Written by Oliver Weng
Updated over a week ago

IDE questions give you access to VS Code to complete your task. You will see this screen before each IDE question. You'll also see a note if you will need to record a brief explanation of your solution before submission.

After clicking "start", you will see a loading screen. It can take up to three minutes for the environment to load. During this time you should review the instructions. When the environment is ready, you'll see a screen like the one below.

If your test has a time limit, you can check the remaining time by clicking the "time" button. In VS Code, you can access a terminal where you can use SNAP or APT to install packages. You can also use the built-in extension browser to add VS Code extensions you might need.

You should test your solution as you develop it. If you are configuring APIs or infrastructure, you can verify that they are working as expected using the external IP address shown in blue at the top left of the environment panel.

When finished, press the Submit button. If you need to record a brief explanation of your solution, you will be prompted to do so on the next screen.

Here are the Operating System and VS Code versions for your environment:



Operating System

Ubuntu, kernel version 5.19.0-1030-gcp

VS Code


That's it. Best of luck with your interview!

If you have additional technical questions, you can email us at

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